Click here to learn about the power of developing a Growth Mindset.

Step 2. Challenge Any Negative Or Fixed Mindset Thoughts

It is natural for the majority of us to swing between these two styles of mindset. The circumstances we find ourselves in can play a major part in how we handle situations. For example, someone with a majority Growth mindset can find themselves in a situation where they are extremely unwell and this can affect how they see their capabilities.

Be reassured this is natural and, as long as you recognise this and work with it, it is also temporary.  The same can be said of someone with a majority Fixed mindset. With persistent challenge, patience and commitment a mindset default can be changed.

To help illustrate this point, I’d like to share a story of someone close to me who has experienced this first hand.  This person was generally upbeat and positive in their thinking until they experienced a heart problem at quite an early age. Without going in to too much detail, the reaction was to try to continue as they had done before the problem occurred.

However, a few weeks after the event it became clear that there had been other effects from the event. This person’s life had changed forever. For quite some time afterwards the person’s mindset had changed and was firmly stuck in Fixed Mindset mode. However, with professional help and familial support there are echoes returning of the previous Growth Mindset.

This person is now working towards establishing their own business, so that they can manage their hours around their well-being. When asked about the journey, it was clear that they had found it difficult, in-spite of the previous prevailing Growth Mindset, and it may still be a work in progress. However, with encouragement, support and determination big changes have been achieved. 

Situations and events that de-rail us aren’t always life changing, but the fall-out from them can always be challenged and turned into a positive.

To be able to challenge your own thinking, first you need to be very familiar with the characteristics you are on the lookout for.  

Your first challenge is to become more familiar with the fact that you can adjust your thinking mode.  If you are new to the world of self development, this concept will be completely new to you. 

Make small pockets of time to read and review the table of what to change and challenge yourself to identify opportunities to think differently about your world and reality map. Take a photograph on your phone of the chart below so that you can refresh your memory of the headline words so that you have them to hand when you have a few minutes to ponder. 

Stay vigilant!

Mindset Challenge Table

 Innate IQ
Intelligence is fixed
Developed IQ
Intelligence grows with effort
Avoid challenge
Accept Challenge
Effort is irrelevant
Effort leads to mastery
Early setbacks are permanent failure
Early setbacks are opportunities to grow
Others are more lucky
Persistence is more important than luck
Ignores constructive criticism
Constructive feedback helps us learn

We all have a choice about how we think about situations and our capabilities. The belief that our intelligence is fixed is only valid if we don’t try to change. Bringing about a new reality is not easy and requires your wish for it, your commitment and perseverance to make it happen. 

You will make progress if you imagine yourself doing so. If you approach any challenge believing it will not happen, then it won’t – not because you are not capable, but because you give in instead of finding a way of making it work.  Sometimes we can plough through this by ourselves, however, sometimes it helps to have someone independent who will hold us accountable to our own efforts and development.

Take your first baby step by trying this mini workout to get you into the mode of thinking differently.

Using a clean sheet of A4 notepaper fold the sheet in half lengthways so that you have 2 narrow columns. Draw a line along the crease if it helps. 

At the top of the left hand column write the word “Fixed” and at the top of the right hand column write “Growth”.

Now, using the table above, start to think about each word in the table – what examples can you recall for each one where this has described your thinking or decision making. On your sheet of paper note down your thoughts for each word and comment how you believe the thoughts have impacted on your life so far. 

Once you have completed both columns, read back what you have written. Then go and do something completely different while your thinking processes what you have discovered.

Return to your notes from the workout after a couple of days and re-read them. Examine what you might have to do to create a more positive outcome – can you do anything differently, stop or start doing something or do more of something? Be constructive in your language and phrase it in the first person, make the statement begin with “I”, for example “I can learn to cook / garden / speak in public”. Remember – you can if you think you can!

Use this information as a foundation to your goal setting in Step 3.

Once you are equipped and on the lookout for rogue thoughts, you can put your mind to work. Start to notice when your thinking matches the fixed mindset patterns and encourage yourself to change the thought to one that fits with the growth mindset patterns.

Make no mistake though, this won’t be a five minute quick fix. There will be times when thoughts appear and you respond in your usual way – do not be tough on yourself. Remember you are human and will not get everything right first time. It’s OK to slip, what is important to remember is that you can reset and try again. Memorise the saying “It’s OK to fall, as long as you get back up” and make it your mantra. 

Each time you reset, you are one step closer to mastering a Growth Mindset … and deserve a pat on the back.

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