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Have you ever questioned what type of mindset you have?
Do you have a prosperity mindset that is open to success?
Prosperity is not just about how much money you have or about being wealthy. It’s about the way that you live, the way that you act, and your attitude. It’s also about the way that you think, the way you behave, and how you conduct yourself.
Having a prosperity mindset is about the way you see success and how you deal with the challenges and obstacles that you face along the way. If you are coming from a place of lack and have thoughts of not being worthy or good enough then you are not in the right mindset for prosperity.
If you give up trying after experiencing failure because it’s too hard, putting the blame for your failure on the market, your age, or your lack of experience then you will likely never experience what it feels like to be prosperous.
In the words of the late Reverand Ross W. Mars “Take away my ability to fail and I will never know the glory of prosperity.”
Failure Is Simply Feedback
Failures are simply feedback and an opportunity to find out what isn’t working for you. This will then allow you to make new decisions that allow you to adjust your course and get you back on the right track. Failures are tools that you are provided with in order to help you succeed.
Thomas Edison said of his failures “I never view my mistakes as failures, they are simply opportunities to find out what doesn’t work. I have not failed 10,000 times, I’ve successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work”.
We are often tested with challenges, problems and obstacles which are often opportunities in disguise, that enable you to learn and grow as a result of them. Although you may have no control over the event, you can control how you react to it. I
f you view these events in a negative way then you will attract more negativity into your life. So look closely at the direction your thoughts are going and ask yourself the question “Do you have a prosperity mindset?”
Contrary to what a lot of people think, lack of money is not the biggest hindrance to prosperity, having the wrong mindset is. Your thoughts shape your experiences and help to create your future.
A Negative Mindset Can Affect Your Growth Potential
Having a negative mindset sucks out all of your energy and the energy of those around you. Many people do not realise that their negative mindset is affecting their growth potential and their success. Therefore, limit your exposure to toxic people and don’t let their negativity hold you back from realising your goals and your vision. Moreover, don’t let your own negative thoughts hinder your dreams and your ability to achieve your vision.
When you start to notice the thoughts that you have you can change them to be more empowering by noticing how they make you feel. If they make you feel upset, angry or constricted, then the chances are that the thoughts you are having are negative thoughts and you are currently not in a prosperity mindset.
However, if your thoughts are making you feel happy, motivated and empowered then your thoughts will be positive, because you can’t have negative thoughts and feel empowered, and you can’t have positive thoughts and feel constricted.
If you frequently worry about what other people think of you, then you are letting their perception of you limit your achievements. What they think of you is of no importance, as it is only their opinion. That doesn't mean to say that it's true!
High level executives use four times as many positive words as negative ones. It’s not necessary for you to be positive all the time, instead just aim to be more positive in general than you are negative. Make a decision that from today onwards you will begin to have more positive thoughts than negative ones and decide for success instead of failure.
A Prosperity Mindset Is About Looking For Opportunities
Having a prosperity mindset is also about looking forward to the future and to the opportunities that you may encounter rather than focusing on the failures from your past. If you remain focused on the past you will continue to be stuck in difficult times.
Your future is not determined by your past mistakes, so focus on what you can do now to continue on your journey to success, rather than continuing to look back at a past that has already gone and cannot be changed.
Remember, your mind is your greatest asset, and that is where your greatest battles are either won or lost. Focus more on the positives than the negatives, so that your life will spiral upwards rather than downwards.
That way if someone asks you, or you ask yourself “Do you have a prosperity mindset?” you can answer quite confidently with a resounding “Yes”.
I enjoyed reading this article, Joy. My sabbatical is close to its end and I hope to get back to work with a prosperity mindset:-)
Thank you for your kind words of support Elena. I am so happy that you enjoyed reading my blog post, and that you will continue working with a prosperity mindset when you get back from your sabbatical.