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With so many different things competing for our attention these days, how long can you sustain your focus before you become distracted? It is so easy to get distracted and lose focus on the things that matter to you, or the work that you are supposed to be doing.  When this happens on a regular basis you are simply existing on a day-to-day basis, like a hamster on a wheel that is going round and round in an endless circle. 

You are living a life by default because you are not in control of what is happening to you, and you are just letting life happen to you instead of taking control of your life and steering it in the direction that you want it to go.

Maintain Your Focus

Whenever you give in to your distractions you are jeopardising your progress, as it trains your mind that it is OK to let your mind wander from the task at hand, and you end up using up all of your energy in all of the wrong places. It results in you being time poor and giving you the opportunity to find excuses for why you are not progressing.

Giving in to your distractions can also drain your energy, so take regular breaks throughout your day. Maintaining your focus will help you to achieve more as well as sustain your energy so that you can spend more time on the fun activities that you enjoy doing at the end of your working day.

If you want to achieve success, take back control of your life and stay focused on your work and the things that are important to you, so that you can regain control over your life.  Begin to take more notice so that next time you will know the answer to how long can you sustain your focus before you give in to your distractions or negative thoughts. So often it’s not about what you do but how you do it that really matters.

John Ruskin once said “The highest reward for a person’s toil is not what they get for it but what they become by it”.

Choose How You Live Your Life

Although you cannot choose to be born, you can choose how to live your life.  You may not have a choice over the name that you are given but you can choose to have a good character that people will respect.  How you choose to live your life will determine your destiny, as progress happens through the choices you make rather than through chance.

How often have you noticed that little small voice inside your head that focuses on the mistakes that you make rather than on your achievements?  We all have them and often when that happens suddenly more and more negative thoughts start popping into your mind.

Notice Your Thoughts

If you have never noticed the thoughts that you are having, try to pay more attention and start to notice how many negative thoughts you have throughout your day.  According to the Law Of Attraction, like attracts like, so the more you focus on negativity the more negativity you will attract into your life. When you have identified how many negative thoughts you are having throughout your day try to turn this around so that you are focusing on more positive thoughts. Or at least less negative ones if that seems to be a stretch too far, as what you focus on will progress and what you neglect will regress.

A laser beam is a weak source of energy but when it is focused on an object it has enough power to burn a hole in it within a few seconds. When you can focus your mind like a laser beam it will have a far greater impact than an unfocused mind. When you can practice focused thinking it can give ideas time to develop and grow. It can also bring clarity to your dreams and goals, which will help you progress if nurtured and performed on a regular basis, but you must know what your desired end is, so that you can focus on it.

Focus On What You Want

Most people focus on what they are lacking in their life rather than focusing on what they really want, which attracts more lack into their lives. So if you want to achieve financial success and live a debt-free life, focus on what it would look like to have achieved it already. Imagine what it would look and feel like to have finally paid off your debt and to have increased your investments and savings, on a daily basis.

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