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As many a prosperous person has discovered you must see value in everything you give and receive. There is power in giving and receiving, and in order to grow it is essential that you learn to do both.  Only when you are a good giver and receiver will you see your rewards increase. According to the Law Of Attraction like attracts like so if you want something to come back to you, you need to give it out first. As the Bible says “Give and it shall be given unto you”. If you want more love then give more love to others and it will be returned. What the Bible is demonstrating is that the act of giving activates the law of receiving. However, you must give freely and willingly to increase the possibility of receiving.

Give And Receive With Gratitude

A successful farmer knows that in order to produce a bountiful crop come the spring time he must decrease his store of seeds and plant high-quality seeds. This is to ensure that he will receive a good harvest in the summertime. By performing good deeds for others we can expect to receive good fortune in return.  However, if your acts of giving are half-hearted or insincere, or you do not express gratitude for what you have received, then what you receive in return will be inferior and lacking. 

When we give freely there is not just one but two winners in the process, both the recipient and the giver benefit.  The recipient wins by receiving the gift, but the giver also wins by experiencing the positive emotions that come from the act of giving.  How many times has it made you happy seeing the look of happiness on someone’s face, that you’ve made possible. Whether it’s through a gift or an act of kindness the result is the same.  

Inspire And Motivate Others

The act of giving releases the feel good chemical serotonin into your brain which creates that feeling of happiness and contentment. The release of serotonin can also affect others who witness it, creating positive emotions and a sense of well-being. This simple act of giving can have an amazing ripple effect. It can inspire and motivate others to do the same, which just goes to show that even a small act of kindness can have a big impact. It can produce incredible results, and be a motivator for many people. Now can you see the value in everything that you give and receive?

Prosperity comes to those who know how to receive with gratitude. They know that you cannot give away what you do not have.  Therefore if you want to give more you must first learn to receive graciously. Have you ever said to someone that gave you a gift or some money “Oh, you shouldn’t have” or “You didn’t have to do that”.  When you say these things you are indicating that you do not fully appreciate the gift. You are telling the universe that you are not willing to receive it. This sends a message to the universe that you are not receptive to abundance, so in future it will go elsewhere. Money is attracted to those who are open and receptive to receiving it. It does not go where it is not wanted. 

Be Clear On What You Want

You must have a clear picture in your mind of what you want to give and receive. If you are unclear about what you want, you will receive things that you don’t want. For example, if you think to yourself “I don’t want to fail my driving test, or fail my exams”. Guess what!  That’s exactly what you will get.  Change the channel of your thinking to a different frequency. That way you will align with the things that you do want, rather than what you don’t want. You will then start seeing results and begin receiving what you do want.

The results you achieve are determined by your input. If you believe that you are not worthy of receiving what you want, you could be inadvertently setting a limit on what you can receive.  Learn to ask for what you want and remember one man’s ceiling is another man’s floor. So stop putting a lid on your capacity to receive. Be firm in your conviction that you are worthy of receiving what you want. Release the chains that are holding you back from achieving your true potential. Believe in yourself and trust in your capacity to grow and expand because then you have a greater capacity for success. 

James Bail said “To grow and to know what one is growing towards, that is the source of all strength and confidence in life”.

I believe that this is encouraging us to expand our knowledge and grow into the person that we want to be. When you are clear on what you want, and what you don't want, and you see value in everything that you give and receive then you will surely prosper.

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