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In the current economic climate you may be thinking to yourself “Why have a big dream?” What’s the point? 

It is widely accepted that apathy, complacency, compromise, procrastination, and a false sense of security can lead to stagnation and a lack of direction. Without a clear purpose and dedication, it is difficult to make progress and succeed.

It has been said that our Western world is characterised by a lack of enthusiasm and a “who cares?” approach to life. Many people appear to simply “go with the flow”, performing the minimum required to get by. Rather than taking risks and pushing for more, there is a tendency to accept less than what is possible.

Apathy is one of the greatest killers of success. It kills motivation, vision and destiny.

A common excuse many people make is that they're waiting for the “big break”, when their circumstances will be perfect. However, in reality, if you're complacent, you'll miss all the opportunities that come your way. 

Og Mandino famously said: “Be ready to make the most of the next opportunity that arises, or even better, create your own opportunities.”

Expand and Grow      

One reason for having a dream is for personal development as it is essential for self-improvement and achieving success. Having a clear vision for the future will motivate you to acquire the necessary skills to turn it into a reality.

Pat Mesiti, an inspirational coach and speaker that I have had the privilege of working with, worked in a movement for helping young people. In the early days of the Youth Alive movement his primary focus was on addressing youth issues and providing young people with relevant contemporary events. As the organisation expanded, he found that he also needed to become skilled in managing people, concerts, finances and promotions. He didn't learn these skills overnight. It took time and effort for him to acquire the necessary skills; the process was challenging but ultimately beneficial as it enabled him to develop and grow. 

A quote that he picked up during that time is “Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can reach. Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors, try to be better than yourself.” Without a clear vision you will make little progress, which will make it difficult to achieve success.

Aim For The Stars

Dreamers aim for the stars, beyond what has already been accomplished. At the Olympic Games, athletes seek to push the boundaries of what is possible. They strive to surpass their personal best and those of others. Their goal is not just to win a gold medal, but to join that class of elite people who go beyond themselves. They want to make their mark on history and be known as someone who dared to believe.

The world's number one runner will push his own limits every time he sprints down the track. He is striving for excellence, setting new personal bests, and challenging himself to reach even greater heights.

Enjoy The Journey

Living a fulfilling life should be a priority. We should strive to make life an adventure! Each day presents a unique opportunity to enjoy and make the most of what we have, as we will never have this day again. Take whatever steps are necessary to reach your ambitions.  When you set your mind to achieving your goals, you can take pride in knowing that you have the power to realise your wildest dreams.

So let us shake off the shackles of complacency and embrace the journey of life with enthusiasm and courage! In doing so it will provide you with a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Instead of waiting to take advantage of life opportunities, why not seize them and start pursuing your dreams?

Bring Back Hope

The 1980s and 1990s saw many people lose hope.  Thousands of businesses went under. Family breakdowns increased.  There were more homeless children on the streets than ever before. Violence escalated, and teenage suicides, one of the signs of helplessness in our younger generation, kept on ris­ing. It was so tragic then with so many lives wasted. Yet we still see the same things happening today. To have a dream is to have hope, to believe in a better and brighter future. That in itself is worthy of having a dream.

Pat had this brought home to him when he was speaking at a youth camp around the same time that the Gulf War broke out. The children went quiet. Rather than racing around outside on the foot­ball pitch and tennis courts, or going swimming at the beach like normal teenagers, they sat mesmerised in front of a TV as the world blew itself to pieces. Their faces were full of fear.

As he spoke to them he realised that these were young people with no hope for tomorrow. Scared of Armageddon, fearful for their futures and relationships, wondering if this could be the end. With the situation between Russia and the Ukraine at the moment, how many of the young people of today are feeling the same? 

Create A Better Tomorrow

By the end of that youth camp, these same terrified children were changed into what we could call “world changers”. They were encouraged to become dreamers and believe they could create a better tomorrow. They had taken part in a battle of their own – a fight against negativity and lost hope. Their Gulf War had been against the gulf between their fear and their future. And they had won. 

Those young people went home hopeful rather than hopeless, sensing destiny rather than defeat. They had become victors rather than victims. Today some of those world changers are working in mis­sionary service in foreign countries whilst others are leaders in busi­ness and community service.

Doesn’t that sound like something that all of our young people of today deserve? To have a dream of a better future where they are victors rather than victims? Feeling hopeful with a sense of destiny rather than feeling hopeless with a sense of defeat? Is that in itself an answer to your question “Why Have a Big Dream?”

Having a clear vision provides clarity and purpose. It destroys a defeatist attitude and empowers you to stay focused on your goals and take action. With a positive outlook you can overcome any difficulty and achieve your dreams.

 Savour The Pursuit

Despite having the satisfactions of achieving your goal the journey taken in pursuit of it can be equally rewarding. Success is the pursuit of a worthwhile dream; the adventure should be as fulfilling as the eventual reward.  So take the time to savour the pursuit and set yourself up for ultimate satisfaction.

The story of Romana Banuelos is an inspirational story of a dream worth having if ever I heard one. She married in Mexico at the age of 16 but before reaching her twenties she was a divorcee with two children. Determined to provide a life of dignity and pride for her sons, she packed all her worldly possessions into a small bundle and crossed the rugged border country into Texas.

Romana's first job was working in a laun­dry for a dollar a day. With seven dollars in her pocket she moved to Los Angeles and took on odd jobs whenever she could. Gradually, month by month,  she saved  until she had $400 which she used to buy a small tortilla shop with her aunt. That one shop became two, five, ten, until eventually Romana's Mexican Food Products was born.

From Humble Beginnings

It rose from humble beginnings to become the nation's leading Mexican wholesale food concern. What started as a single store, run by a two-person operation, blossomed into a thriving enterprise with hundreds of employees, a testament to the power of hard work and dedication.

Having achieved financial security for her sons, Romana then turned her attention to her fellow Mexican-Americans. She decided to set up a bank to serve that community. The Pan-American National Bank in East L.A. began in a small caravan. Despite many challenges, it grew to the level where its resources were valued at over twenty million dollars.

But she didn’t stop there!

More was to come for this courageous dreamer. Romana moved on from banking to become the 34th Treasurer of the United States of America! Her signature has appeared on billions of dollars of US currency, and some may still be in existence today.

She went from being a young single mum earning a dollar a day to one of the most powerful figures in the most powerful nation on earth. That's the power of a dream.

Dreams Can Change Your Life                                               

You might be thinking that’s all well and good but what will having a dream do for me?  How can it change me?

A dream can be the making of you. It  can shape your character, instil optimism and drive you to become the best version of yourself that you can be! Unless you are content with the person you are now and don’t want to become a better version of yourself.

“This is the true joy in life, being used for a purpose recognised by yourself as a mighty one.Being a force of nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy.” Bernard Shaw

Along the way you'll get to know your strengths and weaknesses. You don’t always feel secure in what you are doing; in fact, it can be scary and nerve-wracking sometimes. Dreams are the spark that ignite your ambition. They push you to believe in yourself and take risks.

If you step away from the safety of your comfort zone and pursue your passions you will find true purpose. That’s what builds your character, once you get out of your comfort zone and become comfortable being uncomfortable.

I hope that now, after reading this blog, you know the answer to the question “Why Have A Big Dream?”.

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